Latest Listings
P-51 Mustang brake master cylinders
$450.00 -
CAC Wirraway push rods
$350.00 -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount fittings (SOLD)
$0.00 -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount sleeved fitting (SOLD)
$400.00 -
Spitfire MK(s) VII, VIII, IX engine mount lug (SOLD)
$400.00 -
P&W R-1830, R-2000 engine mounts NOS
$320.00 -
Vultee BT-13 Valiant oil cooler
$350.00 -
DeHavilland Vampire wing tip lenses
$185.00 -
A-26 exhaust section
$125.00 -
Bell P-400 exhaust stacks
$275.00 -
NOS NAA B-25 mitchell exhaust
$750.00 -
B-25 Mitchell escape hatch
P-47D-15-RA razorback pacific war veteran parts from 42-23176, these include the original instrument panel, rudder bar, pedals, brake masters and control column. these are very rare and historic parts that are rarely seen. $10k ono, will ship worldwide.